EN ISO 11611
Protective clothing for use in welding and allied processes
EN EN ISO 11611:2007 EN EN ISO 11611:2007 Protective clothing for use in welding and allied processes
The contents of this standard
This standard consists of a series of tests, the most important of which are described in ISO 6942, ISO 9150, ISO 15025 and EN 1149-2. EN ISO 11611 has two classes. If the fabric passes all the tests, it is designated as Class 1. If the fabric receives a Class-2 rating for the ISO 6942 and ISO 9150 tests, it is designated as Class 2.
Different tests
ISO 6942
This is a test method for assessing fabrics and fabric combinations exposed to radiant heat. In this test, a fabric sample is exposed to radiant heat (infrared rays). The temperature on the reverse (unexposed) side of the sample is registered using a calorimeter. Subsequently, the length of time the sample the sample can remain exposed before its temperature rises by 24 0C is measured. This test is also used for EN 531C and has two different classes:
Class 1 temperature increase occurs after ≥ 7 secondsKlasse 2
Class 2 temperature increase occurs after ≥ 16 seconds.
ISO 9150
Determining the behaviour of fabrics when exposed to small spatters of molten metal. In this test, droplets of molten metal are spattered on a vertically suspended fabric sample. Subsequently, the number of droplets it takes to cause an increase in temperature of 40 °C on the reverse side of the sample is determined. This test also has two classes:
Class 1 ≥ 15 droplets of molten metal
Class 2 ≥ 25 droplets of molten metal.
ISO 15025
Test method for limited flame spread. The test consists of applying a flame to a fabric sample for 10 seconds. To pass the test, the after flame & smoulder times and formation of holes must be within the tolerances (set in the standard). This test is also used for EN 531A. The application of a flame can take place in two ways:
- in procedure A (leads to Class A1), the flame is applied horizontally (similarly to EN 470 and EN 531)
- in procedure B (leads to Class A2), the flame is applied laterally.
EN 1149-2
This is a test method for measuring the electrical resistance of a fabric sample and determining whether an electrical charge passes through the sample from the outside to the inside.
The requirements set in this standard
- Clothing that complies with this standard must always meet the requirements stipulated in ISO 13688
- Exterior pockets must have a flap that is 10 mm wider than the actual pocket on both sides
- This does not include trouser leg pockets that are placed behind the side seam and that have an opening of 75mm or less (for pocket meters)
- Vertical pockets under the hips placed at an angle of 10 degrees or less are not required to have a flap
- Side access openings must always have a flap or hook-and-loop fastener, even if they are placed vertically
- Metal fastenings must be covered on the inside or outside
- Pleats, etc. must be avoided
- Neck openings must be closed
- Maximum distance between buttons 15cm.
Changes compared to EN 470
- The pictogram has been changed (previously a flame, now a welding arc)
- The flame spread must also be determined after a maximum number of washes. In general, fabric performance after 50 washes is tested
- (Much) higher requirements are set for the fabric's tear strength
- Specific requirements for models are also set for seam strength and flame retardancy
- Sundries must also be tested for heat resistance
- At the present time, this standard is separated into two classes with subdivisions according to the type of work the fabric is designed to withstand.
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